A Zener diode is a special type of diode designed to reliably allow current to flow "backwards" when a certain set reverse voltage, known as the Zener voltage, is reached.
V-I Characteristic
NXP사의 BZX84-C7V5 제너다이오드 데이터쉬트
Datasheet of Zener Diode, BZX84-C7V5 of NXP
Zener Diode의 Datasheet들을 보면 보통 여러개의 Zener diode 시리즈가 하나의 Datasheet로 되어있습니다. 위의 Datasheet에 있는 항목들을 하나씩 살펴보겠습니다.
If you look at the datasheets of Zener Diode, usually several Zener diode series are made into one datasheet. Let's look at the items in the above datasheet one by one.
Terminologies relating to Zener Diode specification.
Working Voltage, VZ
- Working Voltage는 정해진 역전류값에서 Zener Diode의 Anode와 Cathode사이의 전압입니다. 위의 데이터시트에서는 역전류(IZ)가 5mA일때 Zener Diode의 Cathode와 Anode사이의 전압입니다. 극성은 Cathode가 (+)이고 Anode는 (-)입니다.
- Working Voltage is the voltage between Anode and Cathode of Zener Diode at the specified reverse current value. In the datasheet above, it is the voltage between the cathode and anode of Zener Diode when the reverse current (IZ) is 5mA. Polarity is cathode (+) and anode (-).
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