5KY's Life
The 100-YEAR-OLD-MAN who climbed out the window and disappeared. 본문
Bucket sat outside the supermarket in Rottne for four days, hoping to see his colleague Bolt, first of all, and then a hundred-year-old man, a red-haired woman of a slightly younger model, a guy with a pony-tail (otherwise of unknown appearance), and a Mercedes.
It wasn't his idea to sit there; it was the Boss's. Bucket had immediately reported his fortuitous conversation with his little brother and leader of The Violence in Braas about the centenarian who had most definitely been outside a health clinic in Smaland in the middle of the night.
* fortuitous : 미국식 [ fɔːr|tuːɪtəs ]영국식 [ fɔː|tjuːɪtəs ]
- 우연한, 행운의
* definitely : 미국∙영국 [ ˈdefɪnətli ]
- (강조의 의미로 쓰여) 분명히[틀림없이], 절대(로)
That was when the Boss had ordered a watch on the town's most popular supermarket.
He assumed that a person who was out walking in Rottne in the middle of the night must be holed up some shopping sooner or later.
* hole up : (어떤 장소에) 숨다
* be holed up shopping : 쇼핑에 몰두하다
The logic was indisputable.
* indisputable : 미국∙영국 [ ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl ]미국식 [ ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl ]
- 반론의 여지가 없는, 부인할 수 없는
It was not for nothing the Boss was the boss.
보스가 보스인 것은 괜한 일이 아니었습니다.
But of course that was five days ago.
Now, Bucket has started to despair.
His concentration was no longer top-notch either.
* top-notch : 최고의, 아주 뛰어난
So he didn't notice the red-haired woman when she drove into the parking lot in a red VW Passat instead of the expected silver Mercedes.
But as she had the good taste to walk right past Bucket's nose on her way into the store, he didn't miss her.
* past
- 1. 형용사 지나간(시간상으로 과거에 해당하는)
2. 형용사 (얼마 전인) 지난, 최근의
He couldn't be certain that it was the right woman, but she was about the right age, and she did have exactly the right hair color.
Bucket phoned the Boss in Stockholm.
He wasn't nearly as enthusiastic.
그는 그다지 열정적이지 않았습니다.
It was primarily Bolt they were hoping to find, or at least that damned geriatric
그들이 찾고자 했던 것은 주로 볼트였거나 적어도 그 빌어먹을 노인병 환자였습니다.
* primarily : 미국∙영국 [ praɪˈmerəli ]미국식 [ praɪˈmerəli ]영국식 [ ˈpraɪmərəli ]
- 주로
* damn ( 과거형: damned ) ( 과거 분사: damned ) : 미국∙영국 [ dæmd ]
- 형용사 비격식 빌어먹을, 우라질(무엇이 짜증스러움을 나타내는 욕설)
* geriatric : 미국∙영국 [ ˌdʒeriˈætrɪk ]
- 명사 비격식 모욕적 (특히 심신이 쇠약한) 늙은이