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How to install Pycharm in Ubuntu? 본문

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How to install Pycharm in Ubuntu?

오키 5KY 2023. 3. 12. 18:18

You can follow these steps to install PyCharm in Ubuntu:

1. Download the PyCharm Community Edition or Professional Edition from the official website: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/


Download PyCharm: Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains

Download the latest version of PyCharm for Windows, macOS or Linux.


2. Once the download is complete, navigate to the Downloads directory using the terminal or the file manager.
3. Right-click on the downloaded file and select "Extract Here" to extract the contents of the archive.
4. Open the extracted folder and navigate to the "bin" directory.
5. Double-click on the "pycharm.sh" file to launch PyCharm.
6. PyCharm will prompt you to import settings from a previous version or to create a new configuration. Select your preferred option and click "OK".
7. PyCharm will then start up and you can begin using it.


Alternatively, you can install PyCharm using the snap package manager by running the following command in the terminal: sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic


This will install the PyCharm Community Edition. If you want to install the Professional Edition, replace "pycharm-community" with "pycharm-professional" in the command.


Please follow the above steps to install PyCharm on Ubuntu, and if you encounter any issues, feel free to leave a comment.
